Sunday, December 29, 2019

How One Company Relies on Humor and Humility to Drive Innovation

How One Company Relies on Humor and Humility to Drive InnovationHow One Company Relies on Humor and Humility to Drive Innovation Its not often that a company will reveal the true secrets of their success. After all, a strategy for groundbreaking innovation is worth millions or even billions. It is standard practice for any company - from Apple to Applebees - to require employees and those visiting the corporate headquarters to sign an agreement barring the transmission of proprietary information. Even Beyonce requires friends to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before partiesDataminr , however, is on a mission to ensure their clients are the first to know about high-impact events and critical breaking information. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, Dataminr is a pioneer in synthesizing and sharing information . So when we asked Dataminrs SVP of People Ingrid Kessler about the secrets to their success as an organization, she shared openly. Key components of Dataminrs winning formula humor and humility.I really lean on humor and humility as a guide for myself and when coaching others as we navigate hard work, remain agile to capitalize on new opportunities, and celebrate successes, which are all part of a rapidly growing company, says Kessler. These attributes start from the top. CEO Ted Bailey and the entire executive kollektiv exhibit humor and humility regularly.Glassdoor caught up with Kessler to talk about how Dataminr has become one of the worlds leading businesses in AI and Machine Learning innovation. Heres what she said and why you should consider joining a team that is so passionate about what they do.Glassdoor Dataminr is known for transforming social media events into actionable information. How do you as SVP of People transform the feedback you get from yur employees into actionable strategies to improve the culture? An example?Ingrid Kessler Last year, we doubled in headcount from 150 to 300 and we are con tinuing to grow at a very rapid pace. For any company scaling that dramatically, it is critical to keep an ear to the ground in formal and informal ways and then to find ways to balance quick wins with longer-term strategic initiatives. To gather input we andrang lightweight surveys on a regular basis and have a Manager Network that meets monthly. We also have an open door policy within the People team and find that many employees set up time to talk with us about needs and concerns, as well as to share positive feedback. Its an incredible part of ur culture that our employees are so forthcoming and collaborative.One of the programs we launched quickly welches in response to asks from our teams for more accessible wellness initiatives . We introduced yoga and meditation classes onsite in various offices, as well as reimbursement for wellness-related apps. For larger initiatives, such as performance management and onboarding, we incorporate survey feedback into our planning cycle. Recently, we heard that employees wanted a more formalized way to organize diversity efforts and so we just launched employee resource groups focused on diversity initiatives in recruiting, internal education, mentorship , and volunteerism . When employees see real changes and new programs that are in direct response to their honest feedback, they are encouraged to give more feedback We cant institute everything requested, but as a People team, we do our best to explore each request and provide feedback and context, as well as realistic timeframes around any decisions made.Glassdoor HR is changing and employer branding is changing. How do you ensure that candidates and job seekers get a clear, consistent picture of what makes Dataminr a great place to work?Ingrid Kessler Dataminrs culture is palpable and remarkably consistent you can talk to anyone at the company and theyd strike you as proactive, collaborative, down to earth, and committed to achieving outstanding results. ur people are also passionate about our product and the positive impact Dataminr has on our clients and the world. I welches fortunate enough to walk into this amazing culture when I joined a little over a year and a half ago, so instead of creating a culture, my priority became articulating what was already in the air so we could maintain its integrity as we scaled. We crystallized and defined four key behaviors that drive success at Dataminr Own it, Find a Better Way, Bring Others Along and Drive Results. Now, we focus on ensuring that everything we do internally with employees and externally to engage job-seekers relates to these key behaviors from our CSR Program, Alert to Action, to the way we position our job descriptions, to our social media accounts and the stories we show and tell. We also reinforce these behaviors by providing additional training to our internal recruiting team, and our interviewers and hiring managers, and then bring these behaviors to life for our new hires during orientation. Internally, we use them as hashtags when publicly recognizing each other for great work, and we promote and reward employees who exhibit those behaviors. We work very hard to ensure that the Dataminr experience is consistent from job research to interview to Day 1 and beyond in all of our offices.Glassdoor Any unique tools or strategies youre employing to recruit people who are aligned with Dataminrs culture?Ingrid Kessler We encourage all interviewers to remember that candidates are interviewing us as much as we are interviewing them so we need to ensure that we share our passion, enthusiasm, and drive, leave time for questions from candidates in each interview, and push ourselves to actively seek out candidates who are strong in ways that are different from and additive to the current team. To give insight into life at Dataminr , we bring the behaviors that drive success to life across the candidate experience by sharing examples, stories and case s tudies. In addition, we believe that bringing in great talent is everyones responsibility, not just the People teams. Individuals at every level of the organization are involved in the interview process, and we provide training for those who are new to the process. We bring our teammates to career fairs to give candidates the opportunity to talk to individuals from across departments about what its like to work at Dataminr . And, we run an employee referral program because we know that the best ambassadors for Dataminr are the people who work here.Glassdoor The part of Dataminrs mission to do things with a sense of humor and humility really stood out to me. What does that look like in action? Whats an example of you and your team operating with both humor and humility?Ingrid Kessler Im so glad that resonated with you I really lean on humor and humility as a guide for myself and when coaching others as we navigate hard work, remain agile to capitalize on new opportunities, and cele brate successes which are all part of a rapidly growing company. These attributes start from the top. Ted and the entire Executive Team exhibit humor and humility regularly. In new hire orientation, we show a video that talks about the importance of our work and closes with a blooper reel of Ted stating his name and role in humorous ways. That tells employees from the beginning that we take what we do seriously, and that we can also laugh and enjoy ourselves Similarly, it is common to be in a meeting and hear a senior leader go out of their way to ask a question that might seem extremely basic or obvious to ensure that everyone is truly on the same page. Questions are always encouraged and retrospection is valued as a way to continuously improve and problem solve together as a team. In an interview recently, one of our senior engineering team mentioned (and Im paraphrasing) that we talk about being a company of no ego, where good ideas can come from anywhere and teams work cross-fun ctionally to solve problems and that Dataminr is the first place hes worked where that is really true.We all work hard, but we also keep our work in perspective and maintain balance in our lives. When you are as close as we are to breaking news events around the world, you cant help but be humble and grateful. We genuinely respect and enjoy each other as colleagues.Glassdoor Womens history month is upon us, so as a senior female leader at Dataminr what are a few ways that you and your team are nurturing the careers of talented women, specifically?Ingrid Kessler We have a culture that encourages new ideas, rewards high potential talent, and makes room for diverse voices at the table . We run internal programs that support and inspire Dataminr women. For example, our mentorship program aims to pair women up with other women whenever possible this not only gives women mentees a chance to learn from other women, but it also gives women mentors who may not have had other formal lea dership opportunities a chance to step up. Additionally, were celebrating International Womens Day globally by hosting a speaker who will focus on inspiring Dataminr women to be pioneers and innovators. These are cultural elements within our organization that enable and encourage women to speak up.In addition to cultivating an organization where women can thrive, we have a recruiting strategy in place that connects us with talented women. We deutsche post dhl on career sites that target women, including women in tech and women returning to the workplace. Weve also increased our presence at women-focused recruiting conferences, including the booth we sponsor at the Anita Borg Grace Hopper Celebration. As a result of our purposeful sourcing, recruiting and engagement efforts, Im proud to share that over the past two years we doubled the number of women we hired into our organization.Glassdoor Oftentimes, users come to Glassdoor as they are navigating their career and trying to tac kle things like management and salary negotiations. What advice would you give to a first-time manager when shes starting out?Ingrid Kessler Dont be afraid of delegating all of your work away. There is always more work to do. By bringing others into your most interesting projects, you lift them up with you and allow them to grow and be engaged. In return, they will bring new perspectives to your work and create more space for your own growth by creating time for you to take on new projects, strategize and plan.Regarding compensation and promotions, ask for what you believe you deserve. Dont wait for someone to recognize your hard work and dont sit back insulted that your manager didnt think to give you a raise on their own. Ask. And when you ask, provide a business case for yourself . Market yourself, your accomplishments and your teams accomplishments internally. Your company wont agree to pay you what you ask for unless they also believe you are worth it no matter who started t he conversation so start it.Finally, spielblttchen your battles. I try to save my most impassioned arguments for times when I am advocating for my direct reports. I fight hard to give my team every opportunity to grow and to succeed. If an initiative needs to be adjusted or I cant find a compelling enough business reason to support a request, I accept that because it is critical to keep the bigger company picture in mind and stay positive. If however, my team or direct report is deserving of a role, a resource, or recognition, I do everything I can to make it happen for them.Glassdoor What are your thoughts on managing with goals and objectives?Ingrid Kessler We are driving a results- and performance-oriented culture, and fully believe in managing with goals and objectives. I believe it is impossible to ensure that employees and managers are aligned on expectations unless you articulate them, agree upon them together in advance, and write them down where they are visible to both of you. As a best practice, goals should be measurable and the way to measure success should be defined at the outset. While it is usually straightforward to define success using metrics for quantitative goals, like revenue targets, I believe we should also find ways to create and review metrics when defining success for qualitative goals, like better communication . I also believe goals should be developed as a partnership. Some goals only work if they are employee driven, some only work if they are driven from the top, and some need to be conceived of together. I also believe that goals should be flexible things change, priorities shift. It does not make sense to hold an employee accountable for something that is no longer relevant to the company or possible to achieve given constraints outside of an employees control. Most importantly, every employee should be working towards goals that align with short-term priorities in their role, medium-term company-wide objectives and lo ng-term personal professional development goals.Glassdoor What are some of the ways you keep employees engaged?Ingrid Kessler Luckily, at Dataminr, there is no shortage of interesting and impactful projects to work on the company is growing quickly and there are always new initiatives that are driving us forward and ways for individuals to contribute. Our culture is also flexible where we encourage employees to communicate openly with their managers should they feel their work is not keeping them engaged or contributing to their future career goals. Then when we have people working on the right things, we set clear and high expectations, hold people accountable, give feedback, and reward and recognize success. Our quarterly OKR process provides more formal ways for employees to check in to both provide and listen to feedback, as well as to set clear and measurable goals that drive performance and engagement.We also focus on engaging people with the wider organization through co mpany-wide town halls, departmental all-hands meetings, and our Slack internal communications channels.We support learning through a robust Professional Development Reimbursement program, Mentorship Program, a management network that meets monthly, and knowledge sharing opportunities such as our Lunch and Learn series. We also recognize the importance of recharging to stay switched-on when at work, so we keep the entire human being in mind from offering mental health and wellness resources to providing flexibility to ensure people can be home on time to catch their kids soccer game or go to dinner with friends.Glassdoor Lastly, a fun one, what was your first job and what did you learn from it?Ingrid Kessler My first real job with a paycheck was working in a toy store when I was in High School. I had shifts where I was in the back and up to my ears in boxes unpacking toys and stocking them on the shelves. Then I had shifts where I was out on the floor helping customers find the per fect gift. Through that job, I learned that the people you work with can make even the most tedious tasks, like doing inventory, fun and rewarding. Working hard together, taking pride in our work, and keeping a sense of humor was critical. I also learned that I enjoyed balancing my time between being out in front with customers and getting work done in the back by myself. Even today, I love helping people, interviewing candidates, and coaching but I also love hiding behind my computer to work on a complex spreadsheet once in a while

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

7 Networking Tips for College Students

7 Networking Tips for College Students7 Networking Tips for College StudentsThe Importance of Networking in College - Plus 7 Tips for SuccessHey, college students Its time to hone in on one of your most powerful career-building tools networking.Unfortunately, you wont hear much about the importance of networking in your college classes and its not because youre daydreaming during the professors lecture. Its just that professional networking doesnt really fit into an organic-chemistry syllabus or world-literature discussion.So, lets get started right here, right now with the definition of networking.Youre familiar with social networks, right? You gain followers on Instagram and add friends on Snapchat. Networking, in the professional sense, is similar in that youre establishing connections with people typically in your field. unterstellung connections could be working professionals, experts, thought leaders, or even professors.The purpose of networking is to form relationships with those wholl help get you to where you want to go, and the earlier you start building up your network, the better. Thats why its important to start networking in college before youre even ready to enter the workforce.The benefits of networking in collegeAlthough networking might seem like a bunch of small talk, the connections you establish could result in big post-graduation opportunities.As you build up your network, youll find that your connections are rooting for you. Typically, they wont mind helping you because theyve probably been where you are right now. So, if youre looking for career guidance, industry insight, or internship leads, someone in your network can help you out. Most importantly ansicht connections could also play an integral role in helping you secure your first job out of college.Sure, this sounds like something career mavens like to say, but statistics show that building a strong network creates job opportunities. For example, 35 percent of professionals say they secured their current or most recent job through a professional connection, according to Jobvites 2018 Job Seeker Nation study. On the other side of the coin, 60 percent of survey respondents say theyve referred a friend or contact to a company.Social media, referrals, and word-of-mouth are go-to sources of new opportunities for job seekers, the report states.Think about it A hiring manager could receive hundreds of two-dimensional applications for any given job opening. From behind a computer screen, how are you, as a recent graduate, going to stand out? Of course, youll want an attention-grabbing cover letter and top-notch resume, but to get their eyeballs that far, a glowing recommendation from a current employee or mutual connection just might do the trick.You shouldnt feel ashamed that someone gave you a hand you still secured the job. Listen to anyone map out their career and at some point someone in their network probably gave them a little bit of a boost, too. Networkin g is one of those I-scratch-your-back, you-scratch-my-back sort of things, and down the road youll probably help someone out too. Sure, its not all about who you know, but youll find that who you know can really help jumpstart start your career so dont ignore this powerful tool.7 simple networking tips for college studentsLets be real Networking probably isnt at the forefront of your mind right now. Youre just trying to get through another public-speaking class without throwing up and passing your accounting exam without forgetting how to do the math.But trust us, the future-you whos already happily employed while walking across the stage at graduation will thank present-you for building a professional network. The question now, is where do you begin? Networking doesnt necessarily mean you have to suit up and sputter industry jargon over dry cocktails. Instead, here are seven simple networking tips to help get you started1. Build networking into your everyday routineIf the idea of networking is intimidating to your introvert-self, youre not alone. But, with a little intention, you can start building your network during your everyday activities, like engaging with your professors and classmates.Youre going to class right? Sometimes your professors and classmates can be some of your most valuable assets when it comes to job hunting. bedrngnis only can your professors offer valuable industry insight and advice, theyve also taught some bright students in the past what are they up to now? Sometimes those former students will email professors links to job openings Graduation is coming up know any promising students who could take on this role? By actually talking to your professors, it keeps your name in the back of their minds when this question arises.And sure, today your classmates are wearing pajamas to lecture and look pretty sloppy, but who knows where they might land after graduation. Wouldnt it be nice to build a relationship with them now? One day they ju st might work at your dream company, and you can say Hey, remember me from philosophy class? Yeah, it was the worst.2. Get involved on unigelndeThere are a number of benefits to getting involved on campus. Youll make friends, beef up your resume, and, yes, build your network.There are a ton of ways to get involved on campus, including honor societies, professional clubs, social sororities and fraternities, jobs, student media, club spots you name it. Not only will you be able to connect with a number of other students, youll also be able to connect with speakers, advisers, and mentors.If your campus has an involvement or club fair, go Or sign up for a campus email newsletter, peruse the bulletin boards in the study lounges or library, and talk to classmates and friends. As cheesy as it sounds, theres something out there for everyone.3. Pay a visit to your campus career centerChances are, your campus has a career center full of free resources. You might think Do I really need ansich t? Yes, yes you doFind open internships or jobs posted by alumni, get tips on how to build your online presence, participate in a mock job interview, and learn about upcoming job fairs. Even if you arent actively looking for a job right now, it cant hurt to stop by these job fairs. Shake hands with company representatives, pass your resume around, have conversations, learn whats going on in your industry, and see where your potential future lies.4. Develop your online presenceIf the idea of talking to strangers makes you a little sweaty, dont worry. You can also network from behind a screen though not exclusively.Start by building your online presence. If you havent already, create your LinkedIn profile. Depending on your industry, you might also want to make a website or start an online portfolio. Even if its a little sparse right now, youre getting an awesome head start.You can also leverage social media, as long as your profiles are cleaned up. Your school might even have an alu mni group on Facebook, and these can be infinitely helpful. Alumni will often post job openings within their company, and if youre a fit, you can reach out to the poster to learn more. You already have one thing in common (ahem, where you went to school), so start a conversation. Ask thoughtful questions about the company and the open position. They just might go to their manager on Monday morning and give you a glowing recommendation, putting you ahead of the pack.5. Be open to new connectionsHonestly, establishing a networking connection could happen anywhere. Maybe youre at your bus stop and overhear a professor talking and politely join in. Or youre in line at the local coffee shop and hear a fellow student chatting about the guest lecturer theyre excited about.6. Dont be afraid to make the first moveOk, so this is sounding like a dating guide. But really, dont be afraid to make the first move when it comes to building your network. Confidence can go a long way Our best small-ta lk tip? Be genuine. Dont treat networking like a game of who can make the most connections or how many resumes you can pass around. Instead, genuinely take interest in who youre talking to who they are and what they do. Try to remember important information about them. If you have to, jot some notes down in your phone.If youre having trouble keeping a conversation flowing, start asking some thoughtful questions How did you become the CEO of your company? What does your day-to-day look like? Any advice for a young person whos looking to get into your industry? What are some important things I should look for when applying to jobs? These are just some examples of what you could ask.7. Maintain your networksWe cant emphasize enough that networking is more than collecting business cards, passing out resumes, and gaining LinkedIn connections. Its hard work, and youll want to invest some time in maintaining your networks. If you meet someone at a job fair, for example, shoot them an emai l afterward. Even if they dont have your perfect job position open right now, let them know you appreciate the time they took to talk to you.For brownie points, throw in something personal you learned during your conversation. This will show that you were genuinely listening, and they just might remember you when theyre hiring again.The importance of networking in college is very realNow that you understand the benefits of networking in college, go ahead and get out there If youre hesitant or shy, know itll get better with some practice and time. Plus, the sooner you start networking, the better your chances are of connecting with someone wholl help give you a little job-search boost later on.Good luckClick on the following link for more networking advice.Want to spruce up your resume before you start networking? Get a free resume critique todayRecommended ReadingTaking Your Professional Network from 0 to 60 in Record TimeNetwork Like an Expert Networking Tips from the Industrys Fin estThe Ultimate Networking Guide for Introverts

Thursday, December 19, 2019

8 reasons why you should continue to work after retirement and why its good for you

8 reasons why you should continue to work after retirement and why its good for you8 reasons why you should continue to work after retirement and why its good for youIn this day and age, its not uncommon to reinvent your career later in life.Whether your goal is to move away from traditional full-time work but remain in the game,or to integrate life and work to focus on a particular passion, the old model of stop work and smell the roses is obsolete, and frankly, can beunhealthy for many.Continuing to use your mind in work is the best way to feel vibrant and healthy for the rest of your life.The traditional retirement model usually consists of stopping work and moving into a life of leisure. Frequently, this plan - or lack thereof - might look like travel, golf, and part-time baby-sitting for grandkids.While that may sound good at first thought, it is shortsighted. If you are 70 years young in todays world, you could easily have another 20more years of healthy aging if you live a l ife of purpose, have a proper diet, and exercise regularly.Ensuring that retirement years are a healthy and active time in your life requires some purpose and a little bit of passion, most often created by some form of work.In other words, staying in the game - at least part-time - can bea really healthy strategy. Research shows that people who stay engaged in some form of work live longer than those who stop work altogether.Back in the 1970s, I worked at a manufacturing firm populated by many long-term service employees, who had worked at physically and mentally demanding jobs for years. I played a small role in helping them to retire, and most of these people went right from a very active work life to what they thought would be a much-deserved rest.But all too often I noticed that these people deteriorated quite rapidly once they stopped working, and were sadly often gone within two years of retirement. It became evident to me that without real purpose, some people do not last l ong after retirement. There are always wonderful exceptions, but for most individuals whose lives have been characterized by achievement, to stop working, means to stop living.Over the years, Ive had the privilege of helping a number of individuals over 65, continue working through their 80s - and even into their 90s. Through my professional experience, Ive found eight reasons why working beyond traditional retirement age is a healthy thing to considerToday, happy people want a diversity of experience and the ability to cycle in and out of work and play.The stop work model of retirement may be harmful to ones health, both physically and mentally.Being out of the game means you are no longer seen as a player, and with that comes the loss of friends and events that you formerly enjoyed.Traditional retirement brings a change in relationships, and, quite frequently, puts added stress on a marriage.Once people, particularly high-achievers,retire, they can feel a loss of accomplishment a nd joy in getting work done.It pays to keep working, and for many Boomers, there will be a need for additional income.Theres a need to maintain some structure around ones life, and some routines are worth keeping, such asleaving the house for work at least some days ofthe week.Continuing to learn, and even going back to school, keeps you mentally and physically sharp.Anew model of retirement is beginning to emerge, championed by Baby Boomers who have created many trend-setting lifestyle changes. Boomers are not only recognizing that a rewarding life allows for a rich diversity of work and leisure, but also the need to develop a lifestyle that incorporates exercise and proper diet into a program of healthy aging.With this new model for unretirement, we can have an active and fulfilling life filled with family, fitness, leisure, travel, education and work in an ever-changing mix.Bill Ellermeyer isan executive career transition consultant andspeaker. Connect with Bill directly on Linke dIn or Twitter.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Best Answers for Open-Ended Job Interview Questions

Best Answers for Open-Ended Job Interview QuestionsBest Answers for Open-Ended Job Interview QuestionsMost job bewerberinterviews will contain at least a few open-ended interview questions. Basically, open-ended questions are those that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. An employer might ask an open-ended question for a variety of reasons. Generally, he or she will ask an open-ended question to get a sense of your personality, and to see if you will fit into the company culture. He or she might also ask this kind of question to see if you have the qualities and experience needed for the job. Open-ended questions can feel intimidating because there are so many different ways you can answer them. Keep in mind that there are noright or wrong answers. However, a strong answer will focus on why you are an ideal candidate for the specific job. The answer will be in-depth, and might include an example from a past work experience. Types of Open-Ended Interview Questions There a re many different kinds of open-ended interview questions. One common type of open-ended question is abehavioral interview question. A behavioral interview question is one in which a person asks you about your past work experience. For example, an employer might ask, Tell me about a time when you struggled to meet a deadline, or Describe your greatest accomplishment at work. Another common type of open-ended question is asituational interview question. A situational interview question is one in which a person asks how you would handle a hypothetical work situation. For example, the employer might ask, What would you do if you knew your boss welches wrong about something related to your work? Other open-ended questions do not fit into a specific category, but are very common. For example, one of the most commonly asked open-ended questions is actually a statement Tell me about yourself. There are many other kinds of open-ended interview question types, includinganecdotalinterview que stions (in which you recount a previous work experience) andcompetency questions (in which you explain how you have demonstrated certain skills in the past). Tips for Answering Open-Ended Interview Questions Focus on the job description.No matter what your answer, be sure it focuses on the skills, requirements, and/or experiences related to the job. For example, if an employer asks you to talk about a time you achieved success at work, try to provide an example that relates to the kind of work you would be doing at this job. Provide an example.When appropriate, provide an example from your past work experience in your answer. For example, in a situational interview question about how you would handle a future problem, you can give your answer by providing an explanation of a time you solved a work problem in the past. When answering a question by using an example, try using theSTAR interview technique. This involves describing an example of a past experience in detail. Explain t he situation, the task or problem you dealt with, the action you took to solve it, and the results. Go in depth, but keep it concise.You want to provide in-depth responses to open-ended questions. However, be sure you dont just talk and talk for too long.Stay focused on clearly answering the question. Keep your answer to-the-point and concise. This is particularly important when you are asked the common interview question, Tell me about yourself. What the prospective employer wants is a quick, 2- to 3-minute snapshot of who you are and why youre the best candidate for the position. You shouldtalk about what youve done to prepare yourself to be the very best candidate for the position. Use an example or two to back it up.Tell me about yourself does not mean tell me everything. Just tell me what makes you the best. Open-Ended Interview Questions Tips and Best Answers Tell me about yourself. Best Answers This is often a question an employer will ask early on in the interview, as a way to build rapport. You can start by mentioning one or two personal hobbies that dont relate directly to the job, but that show something positive about your personality. You can then transition to mentioning one or two of your traits or abilities that relate more directly to the job. I am very dedicated to serving youth in my neighborhood. For example, I volunteer as a staff member for my towns theater program for elementary-school children. I also provide SAT prep to local high school students once a month. I believe my passion for inspiring and educating kids makes me a good fit for your education nonprofit organization. What is your greatest strength? -Best Answers This is a common question that can be answered in many different ways. When responding, dont be modest, but dont exaggerate either. Focus on a particular strength of yours that relates directly to the job, and provide an example of a time you showed that strength at work. Use the STAR interview technique to explain how you have used your strength in the past to help add value to a company. One of my strengths is my attention to detail. This comes through in my thorough copyediting and proofreading skills. As a marketing assistant at my previous job, my supervisor always praised my ability to spot every grammatical and spelling error. She even began to give me additional proofreading responsibilities due to my skills. What motivates you? -Best Answers This question might feel daunting, because there are so many ways to answer. Employers ask this question to see what makes you tick, and to understand whether you will fit in with the company culture. Answer honestly, but keep the company and the job in mind. For example, if you are applying for a job in customer service, you might want to emphasize your passion for solving peoples problems. If the company is known for team projects, emphasize your interest in working for a team, and helping a team achieve its goals. I love working one-on-one wit h clients to solve problems. I did this at my previous job as a customer service representative. I loved being the one to listen to the customers issue, troubleshoot the problem, and provide them with a solution. This kind of work motivates me to do my best and provide excellent customer service. What are your goals for the future? -Best Answers Employers ask this question to make sure you dont plan to leave the company right away. It also helps them learn how ambitious you are, and whether your career goals work with the company structure. In your answer, focus on how you want to grow within the job and the company. Research the company beforehand to get a sense of the career paths offered at the organization. Employers like to see candidates who want to grow in ways that align with the company. I plan to continue to develop my skills as a teacher, particularly through the help of your teacher mentorship program. Once I gain additional experience, I would love the opportunity to se rve as a department head or take on another administrative role. However, for now I am looking forward to applying my in-class teaching skills, and continuing to develop as an instructor. Why are you the best person for the job? -Best Answers This question gives you a chance to make a sales pitch that demonstrates why you are right for the position. To prepare, make a list of the requirements for the job, and figure out which of these you have. In your answer, focus on a couple of these strengths. By matching your skills to the job, you will show the employer that you have what it takes to get the job done well, and to add value to the company. I am a network administrator with eight years of experience. I am known for my timely response to technical issues. I have experience in a variety of network technologies, wireless communications management, VPN technologies, and more. Moreover, I have five years of experience in the public health sector, so I know the kinds of issues that te nd to arise, how to solve them, and how to communicate problems and solutions to a team of health professionals. More Open-Ended Interview Questions How will your greatest strength help you perform? -Best AnswersWhat is your greatest weakness? -Best AnswersHow do you evaluate success? Best AnswersHow would you describe yourself? -Best AnswersTell me about something thats not on your resume. -Best AnswersWhy are you leaving your job? -Best AnswersHow do you handle stress and pressure? -Best AnswersWhat do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? -Best AnswersWhat are you passionate about? -Best AnswersWhat are your pet peeves? -Best Answers What challenges are you looking for in a position? -Best Answers

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Shortcuts to Resume for No Experience That Only a Few People Know

Shortcuts to Resume for No Experience That Only a Few People Know Staying accountable is important whenever undertaking a tough job. When excess jobs or focus isnt an issue, you might select an alternate presentation for a collection of short-term jobs. If you held a job for just a month or two, it may be better simply to list everything in conditions of years, and not include months. Make a list of absolutely all youve done that may be useful on a resume. Now its time to produce your first resume. Work experiences will supply the info needed by the clients in regard to the jobs that youve already done and the business that youve been involved with. Again, though the info might seem repetitive, go right ahead and attach the resume. Be certain to include quantifiable info to truly drive home how valuable you can be to a prospective employer. The employer knows the significance of such expertise, so before going to your interview, be sure that you supply yourself with the ver y important information regarding client care. While the functional resume format may be an attractive solution for job seekers with very little experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. Whatever resume format you opt to use, be certain your format remains consistent throughout the document. Thus an easy format highlights precisely what they want Each resume format can be helpful, based on your individual conditions. Have a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer service resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. Using work experiences may change depending on the work history an employee or an applicant has. To be a prosperous high quality assurance manager, you ought to be able to check at things from a systemic viewpoint. Not everybody is good at managing others, so in the event that you can offer hard evidence of your people skills by quantifying the impact youve made thr ough exceptional customer assistance, youre going to be irresistible to possible employers. Different job postings will have different search phrases, different job duties listed, and so forth. Therefore a lengthy collection of your job duties are not going to set you apart. Your latest job needs to be written first and the jobs youve done beforehand follows. Use the thorough job description at bank teller job description to aid you with this. All you should know to earn a stunning resume job description. It is possible to also leave work off of your resume entirely. Even in the event youve never held an official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. Everyone can say which he or she excelled at their final job. What Does Resume for No Experience Mean? There are a lot of ways resume examples can grow to be a helpful job interview tool. If youre not certain how to phrase your skills, or in case you desire examples of objecti ve statements, check out some job websites for ideas. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look at our completely free downloadable templates. Resume examples and templates are incredibly helpful, especially when youre writing one of your very first resumes. Find all of the action verbs you require, here. Whilst you write your summary for your resume, attempt to consider what you want them to discuss with you, and what exactly you desire an opportunity to discuss. When youre first going into the work force its challenging to show your competence abilities and value without a good work history to point to. You also need to emphasize your focus to detail, research, and communication abilities. Purpose The goal of creating a resume is to illustrate your abilities and qualifications for recruiters and hiring managers to find which you are worth the opportunity to interview. For more ideas on the best way to strengthen your program, take a l ook at our education and teaching resumes.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Untold Stories on Software Engineering Resume That You Must Read or Be Left Out

Untold Stories on Software Engineering Resume That You Must Read or Be Left Out If you realize that you are struggling with the writing, you might want to call on the aid of a professional resume writer to jump start your work search. Therefore, its clear that the employer would be searching for a candidate whos totally alert and knowledgeable. Depending on the work position youre applying, you should think about the options of what the employer is interested in knowing about you. Since resumes are crucial in applying for employment, you will have to produce the perfect resume as much as possible to make it binnenseem formal and interesting at precisely the same moment. Many businesses utilize Git and expect you to be proficient by it. Software developers do the important undertaking of creating new software to satisfy the requirement of the clients of their company. Essentially, youve nailed work at a unicorn firm. Our interview procedure involves a conversation on the ph one to see whether they fit culturally. Resume is a succinct documentation of your professional journey, and it plays an important part in any work interview. Possessing a portfolio website is able to help you land a job or internship in a lot of ways. A fast email or phone call can make a big difference. Top Choices of Software Engineering Resume Companies want to realize that you have interests and hobbies outside tech. They will also be authorizing individuals to work in higher positions if they can also present the correct credentials. The Software Engineering Resume Game If youre asking for a software engineering position you must have a GitHub account. If youre interested in engineering for a career, you first will need to find out more about the different choices available. You might have the best software engineer experience in the planet, but if you dont understand how to write it down, it doesnt do you a lot of good. There are numerous job opportunities for comp uter computer software engineers who possess the necessary qualification. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Software Engineering Resume As a software engineer youre able to work in a couple of job categories. Superior programmers understand how to prioritize clear code. 1 The very best example of a software engineer resume is one which receives the interview. But What About Software Engineering Resume? If youre a computer computer software engineer, have a look at our platzset of Software Engineer Resumes. If youre in charge of computer networking, then have a look at our assortment of Network Engineer Resumes. Software engineer job is among the happiest jobs in the us. Start making products If you need to understand how to turn into a computer programmer, you will need to really become one for yourself. The Resume Summary is where you are able to discover different facts about the candidate. Listing skills needed for the position is a no-brainer. Write the Experience S ummary part of your job resume for each particular position you are trying to find. It is possible to also have a look at our website should you want to look for different sorts of Free Engineering Resume or Mechanical Engineering Resumes.