Sunday, December 15, 2019

Best Answers for Open-Ended Job Interview Questions

Best Answers for Open-Ended Job Interview QuestionsBest Answers for Open-Ended Job Interview QuestionsMost job bewerberinterviews will contain at least a few open-ended interview questions. Basically, open-ended questions are those that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. An employer might ask an open-ended question for a variety of reasons. Generally, he or she will ask an open-ended question to get a sense of your personality, and to see if you will fit into the company culture. He or she might also ask this kind of question to see if you have the qualities and experience needed for the job. Open-ended questions can feel intimidating because there are so many different ways you can answer them. Keep in mind that there are noright or wrong answers. However, a strong answer will focus on why you are an ideal candidate for the specific job. The answer will be in-depth, and might include an example from a past work experience. Types of Open-Ended Interview Questions There a re many different kinds of open-ended interview questions. One common type of open-ended question is abehavioral interview question. A behavioral interview question is one in which a person asks you about your past work experience. For example, an employer might ask, Tell me about a time when you struggled to meet a deadline, or Describe your greatest accomplishment at work. Another common type of open-ended question is asituational interview question. A situational interview question is one in which a person asks how you would handle a hypothetical work situation. For example, the employer might ask, What would you do if you knew your boss welches wrong about something related to your work? Other open-ended questions do not fit into a specific category, but are very common. For example, one of the most commonly asked open-ended questions is actually a statement Tell me about yourself. There are many other kinds of open-ended interview question types, includinganecdotalinterview que stions (in which you recount a previous work experience) andcompetency questions (in which you explain how you have demonstrated certain skills in the past). Tips for Answering Open-Ended Interview Questions Focus on the job description.No matter what your answer, be sure it focuses on the skills, requirements, and/or experiences related to the job. For example, if an employer asks you to talk about a time you achieved success at work, try to provide an example that relates to the kind of work you would be doing at this job. Provide an example.When appropriate, provide an example from your past work experience in your answer. For example, in a situational interview question about how you would handle a future problem, you can give your answer by providing an explanation of a time you solved a work problem in the past. When answering a question by using an example, try using theSTAR interview technique. This involves describing an example of a past experience in detail. Explain t he situation, the task or problem you dealt with, the action you took to solve it, and the results. Go in depth, but keep it concise.You want to provide in-depth responses to open-ended questions. However, be sure you dont just talk and talk for too long.Stay focused on clearly answering the question. Keep your answer to-the-point and concise. This is particularly important when you are asked the common interview question, Tell me about yourself. What the prospective employer wants is a quick, 2- to 3-minute snapshot of who you are and why youre the best candidate for the position. You shouldtalk about what youve done to prepare yourself to be the very best candidate for the position. Use an example or two to back it up.Tell me about yourself does not mean tell me everything. Just tell me what makes you the best. Open-Ended Interview Questions Tips and Best Answers Tell me about yourself. Best Answers This is often a question an employer will ask early on in the interview, as a way to build rapport. You can start by mentioning one or two personal hobbies that dont relate directly to the job, but that show something positive about your personality. You can then transition to mentioning one or two of your traits or abilities that relate more directly to the job. I am very dedicated to serving youth in my neighborhood. For example, I volunteer as a staff member for my towns theater program for elementary-school children. I also provide SAT prep to local high school students once a month. I believe my passion for inspiring and educating kids makes me a good fit for your education nonprofit organization. What is your greatest strength? -Best Answers This is a common question that can be answered in many different ways. When responding, dont be modest, but dont exaggerate either. Focus on a particular strength of yours that relates directly to the job, and provide an example of a time you showed that strength at work. Use the STAR interview technique to explain how you have used your strength in the past to help add value to a company. One of my strengths is my attention to detail. This comes through in my thorough copyediting and proofreading skills. As a marketing assistant at my previous job, my supervisor always praised my ability to spot every grammatical and spelling error. She even began to give me additional proofreading responsibilities due to my skills. What motivates you? -Best Answers This question might feel daunting, because there are so many ways to answer. Employers ask this question to see what makes you tick, and to understand whether you will fit in with the company culture. Answer honestly, but keep the company and the job in mind. For example, if you are applying for a job in customer service, you might want to emphasize your passion for solving peoples problems. If the company is known for team projects, emphasize your interest in working for a team, and helping a team achieve its goals. I love working one-on-one wit h clients to solve problems. I did this at my previous job as a customer service representative. I loved being the one to listen to the customers issue, troubleshoot the problem, and provide them with a solution. This kind of work motivates me to do my best and provide excellent customer service. What are your goals for the future? -Best Answers Employers ask this question to make sure you dont plan to leave the company right away. It also helps them learn how ambitious you are, and whether your career goals work with the company structure. In your answer, focus on how you want to grow within the job and the company. Research the company beforehand to get a sense of the career paths offered at the organization. Employers like to see candidates who want to grow in ways that align with the company. I plan to continue to develop my skills as a teacher, particularly through the help of your teacher mentorship program. Once I gain additional experience, I would love the opportunity to se rve as a department head or take on another administrative role. However, for now I am looking forward to applying my in-class teaching skills, and continuing to develop as an instructor. Why are you the best person for the job? -Best Answers This question gives you a chance to make a sales pitch that demonstrates why you are right for the position. To prepare, make a list of the requirements for the job, and figure out which of these you have. In your answer, focus on a couple of these strengths. By matching your skills to the job, you will show the employer that you have what it takes to get the job done well, and to add value to the company. I am a network administrator with eight years of experience. I am known for my timely response to technical issues. I have experience in a variety of network technologies, wireless communications management, VPN technologies, and more. Moreover, I have five years of experience in the public health sector, so I know the kinds of issues that te nd to arise, how to solve them, and how to communicate problems and solutions to a team of health professionals. More Open-Ended Interview Questions How will your greatest strength help you perform? -Best AnswersWhat is your greatest weakness? -Best AnswersHow do you evaluate success? Best AnswersHow would you describe yourself? -Best AnswersTell me about something thats not on your resume. -Best AnswersWhy are you leaving your job? -Best AnswersHow do you handle stress and pressure? -Best AnswersWhat do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? -Best AnswersWhat are you passionate about? -Best AnswersWhat are your pet peeves? -Best Answers What challenges are you looking for in a position? -Best Answers

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