Friday, May 8, 2020

Want your first client Swipe this email! - When I Grow Up

Want your first client Swipe this email! - When I Grow Up When my clients have *just* landed on the What of their dream business, I usually dont have them dive in to making a website, or setting up a business Instagram account, or designing a logo. The first thing they do is braindump on a blank page: What do they want to offer? Who for? How will they deliver it? What will the client walk away with? Wheres the pricing at? How are they qualified? Then, after their knees have stopped shaking and they feel really vulnerable and scared (and we work together to finesse it all), I make them go even further: Send out an All Points Bulletin (aka APB email) telling their trusted network about what theyre looking to do how. Then (big gulp), they ask if the email recipient  can help them find a guinea pig client. (Because seriously, everything else is busy work. #sorrynotsorry) Its the *doing* that leads to the *knowing*. No amount of (over)thinking can help you feel more secure that The Thing youre thinking of doing is The Right Thing for you, right now. If you have your first offer drafted and youre ready to make The Ask, heres the template to use so you can get that first client  (and yes, this was lifted from a real client of mine who sent this out and got a bite right away!): Hi Friends and Family! As some of you may know, I am in the process of testing out a new business idea/making a career shift into my own business. In order to get the ball rolling, I need some volunteers to be my “guinea pigs”. I’m looking for a few clients that could use my help whatever-it-is-you-do-for-them, so that I can test out my service offerings and overall process.   I need your help to iron out the kinks!   The details:  {This is where you describe the offer(s). Make sure you touch on who this is right for, what the process will be like, your timeframe, and what the client will walk away with. This doesnt have to be more than a few sentences!}   Introductory Rate:  $X.  This is for my first 3 clients/until X date. In exchange for the low pricing, Im looking for feedback when we wrap up and (for those who are happy with my work) a testimonial I can use on my site. If youre interested in this yourself, thats wonderful! Just hit Reply and let me know your initial thoughts so we can get this ball rolling. If reading this is reminding you of someone you know, Id very much appreciate an introduction. Feel free to forward them this email and CC me, or hit Reply and send along their info. Whatever youre most comfortable with works for me. Thanks so much for helping me make my business dreams come true! If theres anything I can do for you, dont hesitate to let me know. With much appreciation, Your Name Some tips to help you along!: With the words in blue and purple above, choose one or the other! For example, in the first sentence youll say As some of you may know, I am in the process of testing out a new business idea or As some of you may know, I am in the process of making a career shift into my own business. Whatever best describes your situation is the best way to go. The orange text is to be filled in with whatevers described here. If you dont know how to concisely describe what you do or who you help, take my 30-minute Mission Statement class via the Launch at Lunch archives. When it comes to setting a price, DO price it low enough thats its an Easy Yes. DONT do it for free, since it wont feel like or mimic an actual business transaction, and thats the point here. You also have a 50/50 shot of a guinea pig ghosting you when theres no skin in the game. Remember: if something is free, it seems to  lack value. Thats not the message were going for here. Should you post this on social media? Its all up to you. If youre sensitive to or worried about your job seeing, then keep it off the Internets. If not or you can confidently block the parties youre worried about then go for it! The more eyes, ears and brains on deck, the better. Personalizing these and sending them one-on-one is way preferable than a BCC. Lets face it: Nobody likes to feel like theyre on the other end of a form letter, and nobody feels really compelled to write back if they think theyre one in dozens (hundreds?) that have been written to. If you have the time, customize. It wont take  that much longer, and youre  way more likely to get a response. Id say to exclusively go this route if youre already in business and need to level up your personal networking and how. Make sure you ask about anything they brought up on Facebook lately, or that person they introduced you to at that party that you thought of for this, or if you can return the favor with the XYZ thing theyre working on. These small touches can yield much bigger and better results. Ready to stop hiding behind work thats really procrastination? Ready to get vulnerable and start telling your trusted people about your future business dreams? Put your big girl panties on, swipe this template, and get ready for your first prospective client to knock on your door! I promise that youre more than ready to answer.

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